Become a member of the Academy Insiders Club

Get access to all classes for one low monthly fee!


For just $10 a month you can have access to all Epona Author Academy classes, including new ones for as long as you’re a member. You’ll also gain access to webinar replays after their expiration date for no additional cost.


Make sure you have all the courses you need to create the author life you love. Become an insider at this special low launch price and lock in your 65% off savings!

Become an Insider Now

How would you like…?

Access to all the classes for one low monthly price

Access to webinar replays without any additional fee

Lock in your membership price so the savings grow

Epona Academy Insiders get all of this for one low monthly fee. For the price of one class (or less!) you can access everything Epona Author Academy has to offer.

Launch pricing is limited, so sign up today to lock in this savings.

Access to All Classes

As an Insider, you’ll automatically gain access to all new classes as they are loaded. We plan on releasing one webinar and one class a month.

Automatic Access to Webinar Replays

Our webinar replays are normally available for up to 2 weeks following a scheduled event. However, as an Insider, you’ll gain access to each replay forever.

Bonus Classes

Receive access to Unbridled Productivty and Unbridled Resilience as a special thank you gift for becoming an Insider.